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Living Life
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Peter Jonghyun Lee

True Repentance (Nehemiah 9:32~38)

등록 2024.09.19
  • 페이스북
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Living Life

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32 “Now therefore, our God, the great God, mighty and awesome, who keeps his covenant of love, do not let all this hardship seem trifling in your eyes the hardship that has come on us, on our kings and leaders, on our priests and prophets, on our ancestors and all your people, from the days of the kings of Assyria until today.
33 In all that has happened to us, you have remained righteous; you have acted faithfully, while we acted wickedly.
34 Our kings, our leaders, our priests and our ancestors did not follow your law; they did not pay attention to your commands or the statutes you warned them to keep.
35 Even while they were in their kingdom, enjoying your great goodness to them in the spacious and fertile land you gave them, they did not serve you or turn from their evil ways.
36 “But see, we are slaves today, slaves in the land you gave our ancestors so they could eat its fruit and the other good things it produces.
37 Because of our sins, its abundant harvest goes to the kings you have placed over us. They rule over our bodies and our cattle as they please. We are in great distress.
38 “In view of all this, we are making a binding agreement, putting it in writing, and our leaders, our Levites and our priests are affixing their seals to it.”



Spiritual Reality (9:32–35)
As the people of Israel reflect on their spiritual journey, they confront the stark reality of their unfaithfulness despite God’s steadfastness. Overwhelmed by the magnitude of their failure to honor Him, they plead with God not to ignore their plight. Yet, even in their moments of despair, they find solace in the enduring faithfulness of God. This introspection prompts them to acknowledge the depth of God’s mercy even as His people continued to act wickedly. We may experience moments of spiritual reckoning when we are confronted with our failures while recognizing the faithfulness of God. In such times, we must honestly reflect on our shortcomings in light of God’s holiness and mercy, repent, and turn away from our sins.

- How do you typically respond when confronted with your spiritual shortcomings? What practices help you cultivate a spirit of true repentance in your daily life?

Choosing to Follow (9:36–38)
The people come to a sobering realization: their current struggles are a direct result of their rebellion against God. Despite living in the Promised Land, they find themselves in bondage. They are still subject to Persian authorities. Faced with this reality, the Israelites commit to changing their ways. This acknowledgment highlights the truth that genuine repentance requires more than just words; it demands concrete actions and intentional choices. We must ensure that our commitment to God is not a fleeting feeling but an enduring conviction that shapes our daily lives. Having regular meetings with people who keep us accountable for our actions can provide the support and encouragement we need to take steps toward aligning our actions with our professed commitment to faithfully follow the Lord.

- How can you cultivate a lifestyle that reflects genuine repentance and commitment to follow the Lord? What steps can you take to ensure that your commitments to God translate into daily actions? 


A letter to God 

Heavenly Father, thank you for Your grace that helps me remain focused on Your Word. As I navigate today’s life commitments, may I be reminded of Your continual presence and faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, amen.



All Copyrights of the text in Living Life belong to Duranno Books.

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